WordPress Item Not Updated Error, How To Fix

If you are trying to update your categories and slugs, and the error “Item Not Updated” comes up, there is only one reason why. You are trying to give a category slug the same exact title and format as one of your existing post tags. Category slugs cannot be the phrase as any of your tags for posts. For example, if you have a tag called,


You’ll need to make a category slug like this instead,


Just change your words around a bit and you’ll get around the mysterious “Item Not Updated” error on WordPress with ease. I am thinking they will add a note along with that error some day which actually explains why it’s denying your changes.


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Optimize SEO for Google Friendliness

I’m going to tell you how to make your WordPress site clean, Google friendly and soar in the search engines with an SEO makeover.

1. Focus on the power of your content with a clean design
It’s easy to get stuck in the thought that your website must have the coolest looking design ever. But think of the times when Google comes to your town. Google is coming for one thing: your content. Google doesn’t care if you look cool so you don’t want good text hiding in unreachable graphics or underneath a bunch of other stuff. I use Thesis for DotResults because of a few key points:

  • Dependability. If you love your site, you love what’s in it. Thesis isn’t free but sometimes making an investment is the only way to see a return. Plus the people who make this theme are a savvy-kind-of-smart and know what’s best. They also regularly update and improve the theme. It’s a community feel I can always count on. I love community.
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